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Volunteer Updates


Volunteer Updates

What HemingfordHub has done and is doing  


  • Recruited volunteers in Hemingford Abbots and Grey, gathering their data (name, address, email, phone numbers, when they are available, what help they are willing to give), and maintaining a central database, and updating daily

  • With the help of recruited volunteers, and with developed and printed leaflets, flyers, and information recording sheets, proactively mapping where the ‘at risk’ villagers live. Gathered information on their name, address, phone number, and what help they might need now (shopping, getting medicines, newspaper delivery, dog walking) or recording that they are okay at this time. 

  • Divided the villages into zones, and appointed a co-ordinating volunteer per zone (see maps)

  • Set up communication structures between co-ordinating volunteers (WhatsApp)

  • Set up communication channels to all volunteers (email and WhatsApp)

  • Proposed best practice within zone communication between volunteers (WhatsApp and email)

  • Set up phone line and email contact, and processes for handling contact

  • Providing reactive support by actioning requests for help from villagers-in-need

  • Communicating to “at risk” villagers as to how they can make contact with volunteers for help

  • Produced leaflets, flyers, posters, and regularly updating the HemingfordHub website ( and HemingfordHub FaceBook page 

  • Expanding the Committee and recruiting volunteer project managers to cope with increased activities and needs



  • Recruiting more volunteers

  • Identifying more “at risk” residents

  • Develop procedures and protocols for all support activities (shopping, prescriptions, newspaper delivery, dog walking, phone check-ins, etc)

  • Develop and source identity badges for volunteers, to provide security and reassurance for those we visit that we are from the Hub (and not scammers!)

  • Co-ordinating with other layers of local and national government and organisations i.e. NHS volunteers scheme, Huntingdon District Council register of vulnerable people, and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Covid-19 Coordination Hub​

Click here for Volunteers' Q & A


What has become the HemingfordHub was first proposed in 2017 as a test case for how lonely or isolated people in the village could be supported by the community care sector and NHS. The Hub was recognised as a community group and received funding in November 2019. Just as the team was preparing to launch the Hub, Covid-19 happened..


07308 035416

Or click here for our online forms


As well as committee members, we now have more than 50 volunteers supporting both villages. If you would like to join them to help in delivering our services, please get in touch.

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