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Volunteers Q & A


Volunteer Questions & Answers

I have volunteered to help, but haven’t been asked to do anything yet. Am I needed?

Definitely. We are very grateful for your offer of support and ask for your patience while we determine how best you can help. We will also need stand-by volunteers in case others, or their family, become symptomatic and need to self-isolate. In the meantime, rest assured that many volunteers are actively supporting the most ‘at risk’ in our villages and they are getting what they need.

Who is Hemingford Hub aiming to support?

Hemingford Hub aims to help the most vulnerable in our villages during the pandemic, in particular the self-isolating over-70s or those with pre-existing health conditions and who have no family support nearby.

Are you supporting 'at risk' residents who are healthy and/or have family help?

We are keen to identify all residents who fall into the ‘at risk’ category so that we are aware of them. Many in the category are perfectly fit and well – but they are still ‘at risk’. If those 'at risk' residents are healthy, that is great, but the pandemic situation is changing quickly, so we want to keep a watchful eye. If someone has support from their family and doesn’t need our help, we will register them but make a note for now. Should that change we hope that they will let us know how we can help.

What services do you provide?

We are aiming to provide essential services and support, i.e. help with shopping, collecting medication, dog walking and regular catchups by telephone. We will always do what we can to meet people’s needs, such as newspaper delivery, but please be aware that we may not be able to shop in particular stores or buy particular brands.

I know someone near me that might be ‘at risk’. How can I register them for support from Hemingford Hub. How do I know whether you’re already aware?

We have leafleted both villages and are currently gathering data to identify as many of the ‘at risk’ residents in our villages as possible. However, just to be sure, we are also happy for you to refer family, friends and neighbours and we’ll double-check they are on our list.


Can residents refer themselves?

Yes, either by telephone, email or via the form in the ‘Contact us’ section of our website.

How are volunteers organised?

The Hemingford Hub committee is working out the best processes and procedures. Both villages (and outlying houses within the parish boundaries) have been divided into approximately 20 zones, each with a Zone Coordinator helping to manage multiple volunteers within the zone.

I’m housebound/self-isolating, can I still volunteer?

Yes, just let us know you’re self-isolating and we will look for an appropriate activity, e.g. making calls.


How can I contact Hemingford Hub and keep up to date?

As well as this website, you can contact the Hemingford Hub via:

Phone/text: 07308 035416

Web form: see the 'Contact' page

Facebook page: for residents of Hemingford only (search for 'Hemingford Hub')


What has become the HemingfordHub was first proposed in 2017 as a test case for how lonely or isolated people in the village could be supported by the community care sector and NHS. The Hub was recognised as a community group and received funding in November 2019. Just as the team was preparing to launch the Hub, Covid-19 happened..


07308 035416

Or click here for our online forms


As well as committee members, we now have more than 50 volunteers supporting both villages. If you would like to join them to help in delivering our services, please get in touch.

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