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Safeguarding Policy


Safeguarding of Adults Policy

Updated 16.08.2023

Safeguarding of Adults
Incident Report Form A



Safeguarding involves people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risk and experience of abuse or neglect. At the same time ensuring that the adult's wellbeing is promoted, having regard to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs where appropriate.

HemingfordHub is committed to ensuring that anyone using our services is protected against neglect and harm.  Our working practices will minimise the risk of any harm and will safeguard the welfare of all residents that we support.

Who is an adult at risk?

An adult at risk is defined in the Care Act (2014). The Care Act defines safeguarding as protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.

An adult (age over 18 ) at risk:


  • has needs for care and support (whether or not the authority is meeting any of those needs),


  • is experiencing, or is at risk of abuse or neglect



  • as a result of those needs, is unable to protect himself or herself against the risk or the act of abuse or neglect.

Some adults are more at risk of being abused than others, such as:


  • Older people


  • People with a visual or hearing impairment


  • People with a physical disability or sensory impairment


  • People with learning disabilities or mental health problems, mental capacity problems as stated in the  Mental Capacity Act 2005, including dementia


  • People with long-term health conditions


  • People with substance or alcohol misuse to the extent that it affects ability to manage day-today living

An adult may be considered to be at risk, even if:


  • A formal assessment of care needs has not been carried out


  • The adult pays for their care and support themselves


  • Care and support needs are being met by family or friends


  • Having care and support needs does not automatically mean that an adult cannot protect him or herself from abuse it is important not to make assumptions about an adult's vulnerability based on the presence of care and support needs alone.

The Care Act 2014 guidance list the following type of neglect and abuse:


  • Physical abuse — Including assault, hitting, slapping, pushing, misuse of medication, restraint or inappropriate physical sanctions.


  • Domestic violence — Including psychological, physical, sexual, financial, emotional abuse; so called ‘honour’ based violence.


  • Sexual abuse — Including rape, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, inappropriate looking or touching, sexual teasing or innuendo, sexual photography, subjection to pornography. Witnessing sexual acts, indecent exposure and sexual assault or sexual acts to which the adult has not consented or was pressured into consenting.


  • Psychological abuse — Including emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, cyber bullying, isolation or unreasonable and unjustified withdrawal of services or supportive networks.


  • Financial or material abuse — Including theft, fraud, internet scamming, coercion in relation to an adult’s financial affairs or arrangements, including in connection with wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse of misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.


  • Discriminatory abuse — Including forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment; because of race, gender and gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation or religion.


  • Neglect and acts of omission — Including ignoring medical, emotional or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, care and support or educational services, the withholding of the necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition and heating.


  • Self-neglect — This covers a wide range of behaviour neglecting to care for one’s personal hygiene, health or surroundings and includes behaviour such as hoarding.

The abuser can be anyone.............

Responsibilities of the HemingfordHub


  • To ensure that volunteers receive safeguarding of adults training which makes them aware of an adult at risk’s need for protection


  • To appoint a person and a backup responsible for safeguarding to act as contact points in the event safeguarding related issues arise and provide the Designated People’s contact details to every volunteer via the Hub


  • To notify the appropriate agencies if abuse is identified or suspected


  • To take up two references (volunteers appointed after June 2021 only) and ensure that an Enhanced DBS with a barred list check is conducted prior to a volunteer being involved with a vulnerable resident . To repeat DBS checks every three years or carry out checks via the DBS update service


  • To record any incidents on the Hub’s secure Dropbox.

Responsibilities of the HemingfordHub volunteers


  • To be familiar with the HemingfordHub Good Neighbour Scheme Safeguarding Policy and have undergone adult safeguarding training

  • To report any suspicions that they might have concerning adult abuse to the Designated Person via the Hub


  • To declare any existing or subsequent convictions.

DOs and DON’Ts for volunteers in the event of a safeguarding issue

THE Volunteer SHOULD:—

  • Ensure the safety of the person and others including themselves


  • Call 999 straight away if there is imminent danger or if a crime is being committed or has clearly been committed


  • Remain calm and respectful and listen carefully to what is being said


  • Acknowledge that the person may be upset and may need appropriate support


  • Take concerns seriously


  • Reassure the person that they have done the right thing by talking to you


  • Ask the person what they would like to do now (for example do they want to contact a relative or friend for support)


  • As soon as possible make a detailed record of what has been said and done ideally using the person’s own words and forward to the Hub as soon as possible


  • Ensure that you have informed everyone who needs to know — the Designated Safeguarding person via the Hub.



  • If a volunteer has been told about the allegation of abuse in confidence they should attempt to gain the consent of the person concerned to make a referral to another agency.  However, you do not need to get consent if there is a crime being committed or someone is at serious risk.  Consideration needs to be given to


  • The scale of the abuse


  • The risk of harm to others


  • The capacity of the adult concerned to understand the issues of abuse and consent

THE Volunteer SHOULD NOT:—

  • Discuss the issue with anyone other than those who need to know


  • Interfere with anything that could be used as evidence


  • Ask detailed or probing questions


  • Ignore the issue and hope it will go away


  • Contact the alleged abuser


  • Get the alleged abuser to contact the victim


  • Investigate the matter yourself


  • Make promises that you cannot keep

Safeguarding Support for volunteers

All volunteers expressing concern should be reassured that:


  • They will be taken seriously and all concerns will be considered as a matter of urgency


  • Their comments will be treated with confidentiality, but their concerns may be shared with the appropriate authorities if they or others are at significant risk


  • They will be informed of the outcome of any complaint

All volunteers should complete the following form to record their concern, but this form can be completed later as it is more important to report the concern so appropriate action can be taken.

Incident Record Form

Use the form at the end of this policy document to record as many details as you can. It should then be passed over to a Designated Safeguarding Person. This information is confidential and should only be shared with the Designated Safeguarding Person and used to identify if a case needs to be referred to an appropriate agency.

Only take facts and never lead the conversation

Complete Form A - a PDF download is available at the top
of this page.

A copy of the form should be kept by the person completing it, and the original given to a Designated Safeguarding Person.

Remember to maintain confidentiality on a need to know basis. Do not discuss this incident with anyone other than those who need to know!

The Vulnerable Person has the right:


  • To be made aware of this policy


  • To be provided with the contact details of the Designated Person


  • To have incidents alleged by them recognised and taken seriously and treated in a confidential manner


  • To receive fair and respectful treatment throughout


  • To be involved in any process as appropriate


  • To receive information about the outcome

The Designated Safeguarding Persons shall:


  • Provide a single point of contact for Scheme volunteers on vulnerable adult protection issue


  • Provide internal consultation to volunteers


  • Ensure that good working practice is followed by Scheme volunteers


  • Carry out a risk assessment

The Designated Safeguarding Persons for HemingfordHub are Riva Elliott, Christine Batter, and Tish Peek. They can be contacted at  or call the Hub dedicated phone line 07308 035416.

The HemingfordHub Trustees will review this policy and related good practice annually.
Adopted by the HemingfordHub Trustees on: 16/08/2023         Latest Review Date: August 2024


Chairman’s Signature


What has become the HemingfordHub was first proposed in 2017 as a test case for how lonely or isolated people in the village could be supported by the community care sector and NHS. The Hub was recognised as a community group and received funding in November 2019. Just as the team was preparing to launch the Hub, Covid-19 happened..


07308 035416

Or click here for our online forms


As well as committee members, we now have more than 50 volunteers supporting both villages. If you would like to join them to help in delivering our services, please get in touch.

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